Da coluna do Bob Herbert, no New York Times:
" a middle-aged black man came to my apartment door with a food delivery. I’d seen him before, but he’d never said much, just sort of grunted a hello and a thank you. This time, after handing me the package and counting out change, he asked, shyly: 'Did Mr. Obama win the nomination?'
'Yes,' I said. 'He won.'
'For sure?'
I said yes, and suddenly the widest grin spread across the delivery man’s face. It was as though he’d been holding that grin in some hidden depth of emotional reserve for the entire campaign."
Nada, nada do que qualquer um possa escrever sobre o Obama vai ser mais eloquente para mim do que o sorriso daquele homem negro de 50 e poucos anos ao escutar a novidade. A grande novidade. E - espero - a grande mudança.